The Chains of Blood was something J. Foster and I came up with and found it was a really good idea. It's a story that really does a lot as far as what goes on it. There are twists and turns and a lot of things happen in these books. From the trilogy, to the expected post trilogy novella I plan to put out, these books will take you on quite the ride.
Chains of Blood Universe

Bellamy’s world is turned upside down when he finds out the truth about his heritage on the day his mother dies. He’s not human, and neither was she. He’d always known his father was not his biological father, but he finds out that his real father was a demon. And his mother? An angel. He is a rare creation, a perfect blending of positive and negative energies from the outer planes, called a Nephilim.
The demons that killed his mother are on his trail, and and kill the angel trying to help him. In running away, he meets an angel named Saniel who offers to take him to their home on Earth, Elysium. There, he meets Saraquiel, Soma, and a host of angels, including the group of leaders, each one called a Princeps Angelus. Some agree with him joining them, others decry his demonic bloodline as impure. In the end, he joins them, and fights demons, but he finds that not everything is as it seems.
When the world turns against him through no fault of his own, he’s left wondering exactly who is the people he should be trusting, and who should he be afraid of.
All is definitely not as it seems, and Bellamy begins a journey that leads him down a path he never expected, one fraught with horrors unbelievable, but also with wonder of creation that no one, not even his angelic and demonic brethren, expects.

The day started as any other day would. Bellamy Delacroix was shopping with his brother, and then he headed home to the inevitable discussion about his future with his mother. A woman who still cooks despite technology that doesn’t require her to, his mother is an old-fashioned type in a future world.
Then, his world explodes quite literally, and he’s swept up into a world beyond his imagination. A war between extraplanar creatures who call themselves angels and demons draws him in because of what he is. And what he is, no one has ever seen before—a Nephilim. He is the child of an angelic mother and a demonic father and is thus capable of channeling both the positive and negative energies of the planes. This makes him dangerous and a target for both the minions of heaven and hell.
An angel named Saniel takes him under her wing and helps him adjust as he is brought to the underground city of heaven, Elysium. He learns about what he is, who they are, and their enemies in Zion, the demons. A warning from an ally of his mother, though, rings in his head, and he wonders who he should really be trusting. Things begin to spiral in ways he doesn’t understand, and the world is changing before his very eyes.

Driven insane by the very people he trusted, Bellamy is caught between worlds in a way like never before. He’s in the hands of Addariel, the angel both at fault for his fall from grace and the current King of Hell. His mind is only clear when he is inside his own head, and his world is spinning out of control. A terrible experiment that went wrong has left him on the verge of death, and it is up to the Codex of Hell and Addariel to save him.
Then, the strangest things happen among the demons. They devote themselves to his salvation, claiming him as their mate and, more than that, dedicating the hearts they didn’t know they had to him. In his madness, he captures their very souls and changes the nature of the beasts around him. Even Addariel, once only interested in power, shifts his focus to taking care of the mentally fragile Bellamy. For the first time in Zion’s history, the King of Hell cares more for something other than power and conquest.
Elysium, though, is not letting go of him easily. In a misguided attempt to help him, they make a move that could destroy the fragile peace between Zion and Elysium.

Rescuing Bellamy has become a priority for both Elysium and Zion. Adding to the mix are the Arcadians, who will stand to fight for Bellamy. Held by the angel Usiel in a location no one knows, Bellamy fights for his survival and the survival of his unborn child. Usiel wants to breed an army of angels capable of fighting demons without fearing their use of negative energy, and by doing that, he needs to rid Bellamy of the demon’s child within him.
A human woman senses something off with a strange neighbor and investigates the situation. What she finds shocks her, and she knows what she must do. Taking Bellamy, unstable as he is, she flees, unsure what to do with what she thinks is a young girl pregnant with her a child her captor wishes to kill.
Meanwhile, in Arcadia, angels from Elysium and demons from Zion work together with a pirate radio station to try and find the missing Nephilim. The world is unsure, but they know they must find him before Usiel captures him again.