
I will not be silent and complicit in my own demise.

Writing is Political

There's the idea that writers should be silent about politics and about their activism. In fact, many people believe that writers should stay out of activism entirely. I disagree with that idea. Writers have a platform, and writing is in itself political. We often write about minorities and include them in our works, and we ourselves have our own identities that are coming under fire currently. The time to act is now. Things must change. And we must be that change.

Change neon light signage
Change neon light signage

Activism Topics

These are the areas of activism that are the most important to me. There are many other issues that you can become involved with, these are just those that I personally identify with.

selective-focus of photography of Queer & Proud signage
selective-focus of photography of Queer & Proud signage
LGBTQAI+ and Queer Rights

I'm unapologetically queer. I am always advocating for queer people and other LGBTQAI+ folks. I'm asexual and non binary, and identify as transgender. The current attempt too erase my identities is horrific, and can only lead to pain for many people in the United States. We must speak up now, or things will continue to get worse. Do not let your weird Uncle get away with bashing gay people. Do not let your coworker comment on how "not real" non binary people are. Do not let you friend complain that trans people shouldn't be allowed to use the bathroom of their gender. Do something. Do anything.

black and white happy birthday print textile
black and white happy birthday print textile
Religious Freedom

Everyone has the right to worship as they so choose, or at least they should. Our founding fathers, deists, were adamant about the separation of church and state. The fact that this line is blurring is terrible and hearkens to the day of government enforced religious practice and ostracizing of those who chose to worship something different. The idea that Christianity is the only religion that is true is laughable, and as a pagan, I find the idea offensive that Christians should be allowed to take priority over others.

Mental Health

I'm very vocal about my own mental health struggles. As someone with bipolar disorder, autism, ADHD, and anxiety, I firmly believe in the right to everyone to access good, quality mental health care. People have the right to have medications prescribed that work for them, and be able to work with a therapist to learn skills they need to survive in the world despite their struggles with mental health.

signage on night
signage on night

Put simply, no human is illegal. We are all humans trying to make it in this would. There is no reason that we should be rounding up people and shipping them back to the places they have left to find a better life. The whole of the United States are immigrants (with the exception of indigenous people). For most of us, our ancestors came to the United States to make a better life for themselves. How can we, as a nation, turn away people today who are doing the very same thing that built this nation?

black and white heart illustration
black and white heart illustration
Racial Equality

Black Lives Matter. It is as simple as that. I support my BIPOC friends and allies just as much as any group I actually belong to. I, as a white person, have to speak up when the opportunity comes. I cannot allow racism to exist around me, for my friends, for my readers, for those I've never met. There is no debate on the issue. All races are equal and deserve equal treatment, and that may mean instances where they are elevated to make up for the losses that came before.

a handicapped sign on the ground in a parking lot
a handicapped sign on the ground in a parking lot
Disability Advocacy

There is a lot wrong with the existing system of disability services and providers. These situations are only worsening as time goes by. Disabled people are expected to live on a quarter of the income of the average person. They cannot marry without losing their meager benefits. And if they are married, and somehow still qualify, they may be stuck with massive medical bills for what Medicaid refuses to cover for them. The country is not built to be kind to our disabled, and that shows how little people care about those who cannot work.

gold and black click pen
gold and black click pen

With the power of words, we can change the world.